Introduction to Fly-Casting & Fly-Fishing
Course #13SP931
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Meet at the Park Headquarter's side parking lot.
This course provides you with a basic working knowledge of fly-fishing equiptment, casting techniques and fly identification. The novice fly-fisherman will be instructed to properly read streams in order to get the most out of each cast. We focus on proper technique and practice casting in an open field. You will receive individual tips and instruction. Instructor Greg Ward has owned and operated his own fishing and hunting guide service for 19 years and has been a fly-fishing instructor for more than 25 years. He has written and published numerous outdoor articles and is the co-author of The Ultimate Fly-fishing Guide of the Great Smoky Mountains. He has been a featured speaker at Wilderness Wildlife Week for the past 19 years.
Advanced Fly-Casting & Fly-Fishing
Course #13SP932
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Meet at Sugarlands Visitor Center outside information/vending area
This course provides the experienced fly-fisherman with advanced instruction in fly-fishing casts including rolls, pick-up and lay down, side arm, high sticking, and pile casts. You learn about aquatic insects, hydraulics, stream reading and lies. Weather permitting, instruction will take place in a local stream where you try newly-learned skills and techniques.